Episodes by Release Date


The Legacy of Ida B. Wells, with Rev. Nibs Stroupe

The Legacy of Ida B. Wells, with Rev. Nibs Stroupe

Ida B. Wells was a powerful churchwoman and witness for justice and equity from 1878 to 1931. Born enslaved, her witness flowed through the struggles for justice in her lifetime, especially in the intersections of African Americans, women, and those who were poor. Her life is a profound witness for faith-based work of visionary power, resistance, and resilience for today's world, when the forces of injustice stand in opposition to progress.

We speak with Rev. Nibs Stroupe, who co-wrote the book Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time, with Catherine Meeks.

These are exciting and dangerous times. Boundaries that previously seemed impenetrable are now being crossed. This book is a guide for the current state of affairs in American culture, enlivened by the historical perspective of Wells' search for justice.

New Frontiers for Theological Anthropology: Fr. Daniel P. Horan

New Frontiers for Theological Anthropology: Fr. Daniel P. Horan

The Whole of the Gospel: Shawn Casselberry [Rebroadcast]

The Whole of the Gospel: Shawn Casselberry [Rebroadcast]