Episodes by Release Date


For Cosmic Questions, Love is the Only Answer: Paul Wallace

For Cosmic Questions, Love is the Only Answer: Paul Wallace

Trained as both a nuclear and astro-physicist, Paul Wallace has studied the interactions of the smallest particles and the largest bodies in the universe.

But from an early age, Wallace also had a sense of “the wonder of God” - so he also got a degree from divinity school.

Now, Wallace splits his work time between being a pastor and a professor, and his free time marveling at the interweaving of God’s miraculous presence in the physical world.

We are glad to have Paul Wallace back to Things Not Seen to talk about his wonderful new book, Love and Quasars: An Astrophysicist Reconciles Faith and Science.

Wallace was on the show in 2016 to talk about his first book, Stars Beneath Us.

Paul Wallace teaches physics and astronomy at Agnes Scott College. He holds a PhD in experimental nuclear physics from Duke University and an MDiv from Candler School of Theology. He also teaches theology at Candler and at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is ordained in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

Learning to Find Our Grit: Meggie Lee Calvin

Learning to Find Our Grit: Meggie Lee Calvin

The Dawn of the Baha'i Faith: Steve Sarowitz

The Dawn of the Baha'i Faith: Steve Sarowitz