Episodes by Release Date


The Complex History of AIDS and the Catholic Church: Michael O'Loughlin

The Complex History of AIDS and the Catholic Church: Michael O'Loughlin

Journalist Michael O’Loughlin has spent the past three years working with a team of audio professionals and researchers to create the stunning new podcast series, Plague: Untold Stories of AIDS and the Catholic Church.

This six part series takes O’Loughlin across the United States to speak with activists, medical professionals, and vowed religious, as he pieces together the complex and at times heartbreaking history of how the Church responded to the rise of HIV and AIDS.

The series premiered on World AIDS Day, and concludes with an episode that pulls together the reactions of listeners and that looks at the future trajectory of the Catholic Church in the 21st century.

In this wide-ranging conversation, O’Loughlin talks with host David Dault about the creation of the series, and the choices that were made in how to tell the story. They also discuss how the reporting affected O’Loughlin and his team.

You can listen to the entire six part series at their website.

Michael J. O’Loughlin is the national correspondent for America Magazine.

The Green Good News: T. Wilson Dickinson

The Green Good News: T. Wilson Dickinson

Learning to Find Our Grit: Meggie Lee Calvin

Learning to Find Our Grit: Meggie Lee Calvin